you can be emotionally healthy and impactful leader
let's impact your life for impactful leadership
let's impact your life for impactful leadership ♢
You’re in the right place if…
You’re a high performing leader wanting to develop emotionally healthy habits.
You’re an emerging leader wondering what a healthy leader is and where you should start.
You’re curious about leadership and what God might be calling you to.
I’m your coach.
I’m here to help you cultivate emotionally healthy habits that will sustain you through every season of leadership.
With a decade of experience in church and nonprofit leadership, I have navigated numerous challenges, including spiritual abuse, a cross-country corporate relocation, and becoming the youngest female director in the more than 130-year history of the nonprofit I serve. My goal is to share the hard-won wisdom I have gained from these experiences and guide you through a thoughtful, intentional process, equipping you for both personal and professional success.
Want to learn how I can help you thrive in leadership?
You’ll leave coaching with…
From powerful communication strategies to effective decision-making frameworks, the resources I provide are tailored to elevate your leadership effectiveness.
By practicing the skills I share, you’ll grow confident in your leadership. Gone are the days of being frozen in overwhelm. You have what it takes to lead with ease!
We’ll get you unstuck! By bringing clarity to your experiences, together we can create an action plan that will both challenge you and empower you to achieve your goals.
50% OFF!
As a young leader, I often wished I had access to affordable coaching and spiritual direction. If not for my employer's consistent willingness to invest in my growth, I would not be where I am today. As my way of paying it forward, I offer my coaching sessions at half price to anyone aged 24 and under!
Still unsure?
Let’s talk. I know there’s a big price tag that you’re thinking about in your mind and let me assure you, it’s not as much as you think. I intentionally price myself to be accessible to those who want to grow the most. Your first call with me is a free, one on one conversation so I can learn more about you and your goals. What do you have to lose?